Ershad was born and grew up in Jamalpur, Bangladesh. Later on, he moved to Dhaka, Bangladesh where he obtained both Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) & Master of Science (M.S.) degrees in Geological Sciences from Jahangirnagar University. Next, he came to Germany and pursued an (M.Sc.) degree in Earth Sciences at the University of Greifswald, Germany. Now, he is a scientific assistant at the Department of Engineering Geology, Technische Universität Berlin. There, his project focuses on repurposing abandoned open-pit coal mines as a hybrid pumped-hydro power storage (HPHS). As a part of the project, he is analysing the operational impacts of HPHS on slope stability, surface displacements, and erosion within the mine area.
Here you can connect with Ershad on LinkedIn and ResearchGate.